On 19th July 2024, a dedicated group of five will embark on an extraordinary journey, running from the London Olympic Park Stadium to the Stade de France in Paris. This five-day ultra-marathon, covering over 270 kilometres, is in support of THE WOODPECKER PROJECT, a mental health charity. The goal is to arrive in Paris on 23rd July to cheer for Team GB at the Olympic Games.

We invite you to partner with us for this almighty endeavour.

Why are we taking on this challenge?

We’re looking for 10 corporate partners, each to contribute a minimum donation of £500 to help fund this challenge. This amount will significantly aid in organising our run to Paris and ensure we can train at least one more Mental Health First Aider per donation.

What you will receive

By collaborating with THE WOODPECKER PROJECT, your company will receive:

  • Your logo on the back of our t-shirts throughout the London to Paris run.
  • Your logo on our London to Paris ‘Run for Mental Health’ flag at the start and finish lines.
  • Regular social media updates highlighting your support.
  • Partnership recognition with the charity until January 2025.
  • Donations over £1,000: A ‘Mental Health Matters’ presentation at your workplace or online by our Founder, Charles Mears.
  • Donations over £2,500: All the above benefits plus a short documentary, professionally filmed, featuring interviews with participants and your company’s staff to promote mental health in the workplace.


Recently, someone reached out to us feeling overwhelmed with suicidal thoughts. They turned to us because we consistently promote the message of courage and seeking help. We connected them with the support they needed and continue to offer ongoing assistance. This story exemplifies the impact of our message, not by the number of followers, but by the lives we touch. We are immensely proud, but this is only the beginning. With your support, we can reach even more people.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a meaningful impact.